As a professional drummer (bear with me), I bought my first camera in 2016, with the sole intension to film drum videos and tutorials, however I found myself taking photos far more than I used it for videos. Photography quickly became a big part of my life, almost as quick as my addiction to buying new camera gear drained my bank account!

I’ve always had an interest in astronomy and cosmology, so naturally one of the first styles of photography I really tried to master was Astro photography. This proved quite difficult living in the UK, where we see one clear night every other year, but that didn’t stop me from persevering. There really is something special about almost freezing to death on the side of a cliff while stargazing, pondering life and wishing you’d brought an extra pair of socks with you. I often wonder if it’s something I’d make the effort to do if I didn’t own a camera, but I really can’t get enough of it!

I’m very fortunate (I think) to live in London. Despite the consistent overcast weather and £10 beers, it really is a city photographers paradise. Although almost every possible photo has already been taken of London, I still enjoy photographing the iconic sites and trying to put my own stamp on them, either by getting creative with long exposures and composition or editing the shots in my own style.

Travelling and seeing the world is certainly a priority in life, so combined with photography it really is a perfect combination. I often travel with my very patient girlfriend who doesn’t mind waiting for me while I take 100 long exposure shots trying to get that one perfect light trail! But whether I’m traveling for work or pleasure, you can guarantee that I’ll always have my camera with me.

I really hope you enjoy looking at my photographs! I’ve had the pleasure of printing my work for other people to hang in their homes on a few occasions, which really is a huge compliment! If you’re interested in a print yourself, you can view all photos available for print here.

If you'd like to get in touch to discuss prints, working together or using any of my images for commercial use, please get in touch via the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!